Birmingham Zoo: Tell us what you see

There is only so much parents can do to entertain their kids in the confines of their house. A change of scenery is needed. We want parents to consider the Birmingham Zoo as a place of refuge by positioning the animals as therapists. What came was an interactive campaign where people could see the different animals the Birmingham Zoo has. And are rewarded with $5 on their next visit.

Featured in Ads of the World.

Meagan Riordan (AD/CW) and Katelyn Roberts (AD/CW) 

When people scan the QR code, it will take them to a survey where they can answer what animal they saw in a specific ad. Completing the survey will get customers $5 on their next visit.

Birmingham Zoo Therapy Benches

Once you’re at the Birmingham Zoo, relax and be in the calming presence of the animals on the therapy benches throughout the zoo. There will also be speakers near the benches playing calming music from the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, among other calming music.



